NUNATO I Secretariat

Meet our 2024 Secretariat!

Secretary General: AJ Williams
B.A. International Affairs & Economics
Minor: Russian

Hello everyone, my name is AJ Williams and I am so honored to be your Secretary General for our inaugural year of NUNATO! I am currently a fourth year student at Northeastern and will be graduating this upcoming June. Throughout my college career I have always had an interest in the Eastern European region as well as interactions between NATO and Russia since the end of the Second World War. I have attended Model UN, NATO, and Arab League conferences since my freshman year of high school and feel extremely excited to be hosting one for the first time. After graduation, I hope to attend law school and receive my JD so I can practice international and tax law.

Assistant Secretary General: Jasdeep Singh
B.S. Computer Science and Behavioral Neuroscience

Hello everyone, my name is Jasdeep Singh and I am a Third Year Computer Science and Behavioral Neuroscience Major here at Northeastern University. A little bit about me, I started doing Model Debate 2 years ago and quickly fell in love with it. I have attended a bunch of different conferences from MUN to MAL and I even did NATO?! Post-College my goal is to work in the Biotech Industry and work on the different psychological impacts that technology can have on the human mind. And to round out my little paragraph a fun fact about me is that I went to the same high school that Spider-Man did in the comics. 

Assistant Secretary General: Hailey Wang
Major:  B.A. Political Science and Environmental Studies

Hello, my name is Hailey Wang, and I am a political science and environmental studies combined major at Northeastern University. I intend to apply for law school after completing my undergrad. My goal is to become an environmental lawyer. A fun fact is that I am from Wisconsin. I joined the International Relations Council in my first year of college, without prior experience in model debate. My goal and reason for this conference is to provide a nurturing learning environment for individuals with years of experience in model debate and for those whose first conference is IMNATO. 

Meet our 2024 Chairs!

North Atlantic Council (NAC) Chair: Vidit Shah
B.S. Business Administration and Economics
Concentration: Finance and Supply Chain

Hello everyone! My name is Vidit Shah and I am truly honored to serve as the Chair of the NAC at the inaugural NUNATO conference. I am a fourth year Economics, Finance and Supply Chain student here at Northeastern who also happens to enjoy model debate and political sciences. I have been actively involved in Model Debate since high school and I’ve participated in 2 Model NATO conferences. Although this will be my first time chairing a NATO conference, I am super excited to facilitate crucial conversations during this unforeseen time. I hope that this can serve as both a learning experience for any first time debaters while also being a grounds to meet like minded peers to foster lasting relationships. As you work through your research and prep, if you have any questions feel free to reach out and I cannot wait to see everyone’s faces at the conference.

Military Committee Chair: Mark Smith
B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Minor: Creative Fabrication

Hi everyone, my name is Mark Smith and I am a Fourth Year Mechanical Engineering Major with a minor in Creative Fabrication at Northeastern University. Although I have been involved with MUN since Middle School, my first experience with Model NATO was in my 2nd year at Northeastern at IMNATO which I have since attended and been Head Delegate for several times. I joined the Northeastern International Relations Council in my first year and attended conferences everywhere from Quebec to London. Though I am and always have been a MUN Crisis Committee lover, Model NATO has quickly become a personal favorite of mine. Post-college I intend to work in the Mechanical Engineering Field (real specific I know). I look forward to seeing familiar faces in the MIL Committee and am excited to be a part of this conference.

Political Committee Chair: Ethan Meid
B.S. Math and Political Science

Hello! My name is Ethan Meid I’m a second-year student at Northeastern studying Math and Political Science. I hope to get my PhD one day so I can go into academia. I have been doing model debate since I was in sixth grade and have met so many amazing people through it. I started doing Model NATO last year when I joined the Northeastern IRC and was able to attend IMNATO in DC. I am very excited to be chairing my first colligate conference. One fun fact about me is I can draw almost any country from memory. 

Partnerships and Cooperative Security Committee Chair: Emily de Rezende

Minor: English

Hi everyone, my name is Emily de Rezende and I am a second year biology major at Northeastern University. I am so excited to be chairing PCSC this year! I have participated in model UN for years and recently expanded to model Arab League and NATO. I like all aspects of model debate but enjoy the writing most of all, and hope to put my English minor to good use. Beyond college I hope to become a forensics laboratory technician, or otherwise work in the biotech or pharmaceutical industry. A little fun fact about me is that my favorite book is The Priory of the Orange Tree. I hope to contribute to what will hopefully be an amazing and fulfilling conference!

Meet our Faculty Advisor!

Faculty Advisor: Julie Garey