Welcome Event T-Shirt Contest

Help us pick this year’s t-shirt for the prospective Scholars Welcome Event. The contest entries are below, with both front and back images.      

2016 Scholars Seminar Speakers

An annual tradition in the spring semester, the Scholars Seminar is Northeastern’s first open-classroom style course designed collaboratively by students, and it features thought-leaders and change-makers from both inside and outside the university. The Scholars Seminar gives students insight into the groundbreaking work of Northeastern’s innovative and distinguished faculty across the disciplines, as well as […]

Gloria Steinem Shares Advice, Wisdom with Student Leaders

Feminist icon Gloria Steinem appeared on campus as part of the Scholars Seminar. by Joe O’Connell, this story originally appeared in Northeastern News. Rarely is there an oppor­tu­nity to pick the brain of someone whose pas­sion and beliefs launched social change across the nation. But on Thursday after­noon a group of about 30 North­eastern stu­dent leaders and […]

Scholars Program brings Gloria Steinem to Northeastern on Jan. 28

  The University Scholars Program  Seminar on Leadership, Research, and Innovation presents activist, organizer, author, and cultural icon Gloria Steinem. A founder of Ms. magazine, the National Women’s Political Caucus, and Choice USA, Steinem is a social and political force who has shaped the discourse of women’s rights in America for half a century. In […]

‘Black Voices Project’ chronicles race, citizenship of African-​​American community

by Jason Kornowitz, this story originally appeared in Northeastern News. It was June, and Lola Aking­bade was in Fer­guson, Mis­souri, looking to cap­ture the zeit­geist in the wake of civil unrest. Unarmed black teenager Michael Brown had been killed by white police officer Darren Wilson on the streets of this quaint St. Louis suburb just […]

Scholars Independent Research Fellowships Foster Innovative Projects Across the Disciplines

University Scholars demand to be challenged, are passionate about learning, and innovate when given the freedom to explore. The Program provides the intellectual and financial resources that enable Scholars to perform high-caliber, in-depth work. In Summer 2015, we awarded nearly 40 Scholars Independent Research Fellowships, which provide up to $5,000 for University Scholars to undertake independent […]

A Pressing Adventure in Istanbul

Kara Morgan, CSSH ’18 reflects on her experience with the University Scholars Dialogue to Istanbul and Berlin. We found it. After thirty minutes of wandering the streets of Istanbul, fellow University Scholar Aneri Pattani and I found the Journalists Association of Turkey’s ‘Press Museum.’  We embarked from our hotel that scorching afternoon, our last free […]

Dancing in the Streets

John Howard, COE ’18 reflects on his experience with the University Scholars Dialogue to Istanbul and Berlin. On the dialogue to Istanbul and Berlin, I was given a unique opportunity to experience firsthand the culture of two of the most exciting cities in Europe. In addition to having the freedom and ability to go explore […]

The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Kelli Lynch, ’17 COE reflects on her experience with the University Scholars Dialogue to Istanbul and Berlin. To select and reflect upon a single experience on my dialogue to Istanbul and Berlin is difficult because there were so many. However, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe was without question one of the most thought provoking […]

Reflections on the Conflict in Syria

Alexander Kavourias, CCIS ’18, reflects on his experience with the University Scholars Dialogue to Istanbul and Berlin. When I decided to sign up for this Dialogue, I anticipated that my trip to Istanbul would fall somewhere within the general lines of the tourist experience.  I would see the historic old city, visit a few neighborhoods, […]