Throughout the fall, Dr. Karas and I have been working with a committee of your peers to put together (what we believe is) Northeastern's first student-driven "Open Classroom"-style course: our Spring Scholars Seminar on Leadership, Research, and Innovation. The Scholars Seminar on Leadership, Research, and Innovation connects University Scholars to change-makers from both inside and outside the university whose work is significantly advancing global conversations on issues of vital interest. Spanning diverse disciplines and drawing on the expertise of authors and activists as well as academics, the Seminar showcases thought-leaders who are models of both civic and intellectual engagement. It is our hope that these conversations will serve as jumping off points for Scholarly research and creative endeavors and potentially powerful new relationships.
In addition to top faculty members from across the university who will discuss their research and how they discovered the passions and problems that drive them, we will be bringing in a few additional guests, including Laverne Cox, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Jose Antonio Vargas, to speak to our larger community. We will have reserved seating/tickets for those Scholars who register for the class.
We encourage all Scholars to register for the series. It is expected that Scholars who would like to take advantage of program funding for our Dialogues, Alternative Spring Breaks, and SIRFs will register for and participate in the seminar. We will record the seminar for those Scholars who are on co-op and unable to attend regularly.
Assignments typically include reading a few journal articles, as well as preparing questions in advance of the presentations. We expect that some critical writing will also be a part of the seminar. Select groups of 15-20 Scholars each week accompany our speaker to dinner at local restaurants for more intimate conversation.
We will meet on Thursday evenings from 6 -7 PM in West Village F 020.
The course is for zero credit. The course is CRN 35611. Register today!