2016 Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Service/Research Projects

Looking for an opportunity to take part in meaningful, long-term service in the community? Interested in working with a group of dedicated peers to become experts on a topic? We invite Honors students to consider taking part in a Service/Research Project, sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships. Service/Research Projects are student-directed group […]

Scholars Independent Research Fellowship: The Topology of Fair Division

University Scholars have the opportunity to apply for a Scholars Independent Research Fellowship (SIRF), which provides training and funding to carry out independent research projects. Continuing our series of blog posts by SIRF recipients, University Scholar Maxwell Polevy, CCIS ’17, discusses the mathematics informing his project entitled, The Topology of Fair Division. Suppose we have […]

The State of the Union

After another successful Scholars Clambake, the Scholars community came together to lay out our common goals for the year, as is our practice on Monday, September 7. This year, we revised our common goals to reflect our understanding of what we hope to bring into being. These follow. How do we create a group culture […]

Scholars Independent Research Fellowship: Finding Face

University Scholars have the opportunity to apply for a Scholars Independent Research Fellowship (SIRF), which provides training and funding to carry out independent research projects. Below, University Scholar Amy Zhao, COE ’18, reflects on her experience conducting research in China this summer for her project entitled, Finding Face: The Power of Narrative through Chinese and […]