Spectrum Speculates: What was Benjamin Franklin Like As a Teenager?


I know you’ve been anxiously awaiting this blog post, highlighting our writing/art prompt from our Spectrum meeting this past Monday, October 6th.

The prompt was:

On this day (October 6th) in 1723, Benjamin Franklin arrived in Philadelphia at the age of 17. Paint a portrait of a teenage Benjamin Franklin.

Here are some of our finest responses:

He was a nerd. — Anonymous


-- Anonymous


His clothes totally disheveled from the journey through the country, Benjamin Franklin strolled into Philadelphia. Having been thoroughly bored and mildly disillusioned with modern society, he had renounced all social interaction and decided instead to communicate with a series of impassioned hand motions and yelping non sequitur phrases. Needless to say, his tales of glory from Boston fell upon deaf ears, as nobody cold understand the man.

“Keys! Printing Press! Armonica!”

— Douglas R.



— Elke