“LIT” by Jeff Manville

Prompt: Write from the perspective of a bus driver

“I will not kill the children… I will not kill the children,” I whispered under my breath.  The thirty-seven children who rode my bus each day filled my life with joy, but I swear to G-d if they bring food on Ms. Twinkster again, I will strangle them.  I walked to the back of my bus and saw litter everywhere.  I picked one piece of paper and read aloud.  Slowly, with a stutter in my voice I read:

The school bus slowly left the school parking lot following its brethren.  Their drivers screaming in pain as they were drown down to hell.  An elderly woman collapsed into a heap.  The Union looked forward into the masses and growled, “We need another now,” his voices wranging in unison.  “Find me another driver.”  The drivers yelped with glee.  The hunt has begun.

I looked at the top for a name.  I found one.  I waltzed to the front, picked up my mic, and sinisterly whispered, “I have found our new driver.”  I closed my door, and started the bus.  In a low whistle, I sang, “The wheels on the bus go round and round.”