From Our Director

For April/May edition of the SEI Newsletter Awareness, Action and Social Entrepreneurship  KONY 2012.  It’s been a hot discussion topic around many campuses, ours included, over the past several weeks.  Is it a good or a bad thing that an organization like Invisible Children focuses on awareness, rather than action Read more…

Net Impact Spring 2012 Semester

This semester, the undergraduate chapter of Net Impact worked to provide interactive and socially minded initiatives for its members and the Northeastern community. Two of the most impactful and interactive initiatives stem from Grameen America which prompted students to undertake two interesting simulations of poverty: the $27 challenge and the Read more…

Citizen Schools – Take Back the Kitchen

10 vol­un­teers from the Social Enter­prise Insti­tute have been involved in an exciting volunteering program through Cit­i­zen Schools, in partnership with Haley House in Dudley Sqaure. Cit­i­zen Schools is a national not-for-profit orga­ni­za­tion aiming to improve inner city education by extending the school day through the use of “apprenticeships”.  Apprenticeships are taught Read more…

SEEED Summit Recap

On March 16th and 17th, Social Venture Partners Rhode Island (SVPRI) and Brown University’s Social Innovation Initiative and Entrepreneurship Program launched their first Social Enterprise Ecosystem and Economic Development (SEEED) Summit at Brown University. Approximately 450 social entrepreneurs, business leaders, local and national government officials, academics, and students attended the Read more…