How to Build Financially Sustainable Social Enterprises

Tra­di­tional busi­nesses find a path to finan­cial sus­tain­abil­ity by grow­ing their rev­enue, improv­ing their gross and oper­at­ing mar­gins, increas­ing their free cash flow, effi­ciently man­ag­ing both cap­i­tal expen­di­tures and work­ing cap­i­tal, and build­ing their asset base. Achiev­ing these finan­cial per­for­mance indi­ca­tors typ­i­cally result in easy access to financ­ing and higher stock prices.

South African Connectivity

By Caitlin Ferguson and Laura Mueller-Soppart Take a walk around any US university campus and you will immediately notice students engrossed in technology; from smartphones to iPads and laptops, you would be hard pressed to find a college student without immediate access to all the internet has to offer. In Read more…