New Impact Investing Course

Social impact investing is a rapidly emerging sector within the global investment community in which investors fund innovative enterprises dedicated to creatively solving the world’s most difficult social problems, such as extreme poverty, access to clean water, sanitation, agricultural productivity and literacy. Historically, these initiatives were organized as non-profits or charities and received funding from donations and grants from foundations and government agencies.

Social Enterprise Institute Heads to Clinton Global Initiative University

Launched by President Clinton in 2007, the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) aims to engage the next generation of leaders on college campuses around the world. CGIU convenes annually with over 1200 students, in partnership with youth organizations, topic experts, and celebrities to discuss and develop innovative solutions to pressing global challenges. CGI U’s five focus areas include: Education, Environment and Climate Change, Peace and Human Rights, Poverty Alleviation, and Public Health.

Reverse Innovation & Social Entrepreneurs

Reverse innovation is characterized by ultra low-cost, high quality and universal access to address the needs of deprived population in urban and rural areas of the developing world. Such innovation is “reverse” when it is brought “back” to developed countries such as the US. The concept of reverse innovation potentially applies to all industries, from telecommunications and transportation, through education, to health care.

News from Cochabamba

Nathan Cutler is second year student in International Affairs and Environmental Studies with a minor in Latin America Studies. Currently he is doing an international Co-op in Bolivia, Cochabamba in Fundación Pro Hábitat, an NGO which strives to improve the wellbeing of impoverished people by housing, legal paperwork and legal advocacy. However, his social work started at LIFT-Boston, a social advocacy organization that works to empower people lacking economic opportunities. Since the beginning Nathan was interested in empowering immigrants and less fortune people. Although he is currently in Bolivia he had some time to talk with me about his magnificent work in Cochabamba.

Doing Something That Changes Lives Every Morning, One Cup at a Time….

If you are one of the millions of people who drink coffee every morning, consider drinking Green Mountain Coffee, or using one of their Keurig machines. Here’s one reason why.

I was walking up a steep hill in 100 degree heat in Northern Nicaragua earlier this month, with 25 of our social enterprise students, as part of our senior capstone class. We were in the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, and in one of its poorest regions, when we came upon a sign saying that Green Mountain Coffee, through its corporate social responsibility program, had supported a poor smallholder farmer cooperative with community investments.