Day 27: A Continuation of Collaborative Filmmaking with APAK

Day 27: A Continuation of Collaborative Filmmaking with APAK

Today was another important workday in collaboration with APAK towards the completion of the documentary film and preparations for it’s screening on Wednesday evening. After leaving the beautiful Hosteria San Luis in Cayambe, we returned to a familiar hotel in…

Day 26: Working on the Penco Project: in Spanish and English

Day 26: Working on the Penco Project: in Spanish and English

Today was dedicated to working on the Penco movie Project Para terminar el proyecto del penco, hoy era dedicado a trabajar. Deciding which photos to include and which to reject. Decidimos cuales fotos a incluir y cuales a rechazar. Huddled…

Day 22: Goodbye Galápagos :(

Day 22: Goodbye Galápagos :(

Day 21 was our last day in the Galapagos Islands. You could say it was not one of our favorite days of the trip thus far. Our journey back to the main land began at 9:00 am and lets just…

Editing and Alpacas

Editing and Alpacas

Today was our first full day back on the mainland after an incredible week in the Galapagos. We are currently staying at Hacienda San Luis outside of Cayambe. This morning we had an insightful group discussion about our experience in…

Day 21- Santa Cruz Adventure

Day 21- Santa Cruz Adventure

I woke up in Santa Cruz for another day of adventures. After breakfast, we decided to walk around on the main street to collect some footage. We walked by this small fish market where some people were cleaning the fish….

Cruising Around Santa Cruz

Cruising Around Santa Cruz

Today we split up into two groups. This marks the first time that all 18 of us officially separated for a extended period of time since the start of the dialogue. One group took the day to explore Bartholomew while…

Observation and Drawing in the Galapagos: Our Last Day on Isabela

Observation and Drawing in the Galapagos: Our Last Day on Isabela

Today marks our second full day on Isabela Island in the Galapagos. We began it by having our usual breakfast at the hotel down the sandy road from our hotel. Thank god breakfast was free too since there aren’t any…

First Full Day in the Galapagos!

Today, we woke up on Isla Isabela! We’re all really excited about the exciting opportunities we have here, and we got up nice and early to start the day. After breakfast, one group went on a hike to Sierranegra, a…

What It Takes To Get To The Galapagos: An Experience Map

What It Takes To Get To The Galapagos: An Experience Map

DISCLAIMER: Due to the nature of this trip, meaning very little accessibility to WIFI, I was just able to upload this. However, please read regardless for some laughs and insight into our experience in the Galapagos 4 buses, 4 boats…