Day 12: The Thrity-Four Percent Solution

Day 12: The Thrity-Four Percent Solution

It is the 12th day of our trip.  12 out of 35. Obviously, not every day can be the adventure that movies like Indiana Jones and Romancing the Stone imply, but it was a pretty good day. Not much happened…

Day 11: Chores and More

Day 11: Chores and More

Eleven days in and it was about that time where people start freaking out because their shirts suddenly started smelling a little bit funky.  So on a recommendation from our professors we set out this morning, plastic bags under our…

Day 9: On the Road to Otavalo

Day 9: On the Road to Otavalo

Today we left the mystical cloud forest of Mindo to travel to our next destination: Otavalo. We drove the road back to Quito (gaining thousands of feet in elevation) before continuing on from there. The most interesting aspect of this…

Day 8: Haikus, Bird Butts, and American Idol

Day 8: Haikus, Bird Butts, and American Idol

Today was day eight So far it is lots of fun Here are some haikus   We are in Mindo The forest has many sounds There are lots of bugs   Bird watching today Tom and I got up early…

Day 7: Do Go Chasing Waterfalls

Day 7: Do Go Chasing Waterfalls

Thursday. Good morning, Mindo! Everyone sleeps especially sound under its blanket of seclusion, besides those paranoid by the small winged creatures that share our rooms. For the second magical day, a chorus of birds rose our sleepy minds, and dense…

Day 6: Goodbye Quito, Hello Mindo!

Day 6: Goodbye Quito, Hello Mindo!

Close your eyes. Picture a forest filled with trees decorated with leaves big enough to swaddle a baby and flowers brighter than neon bands under a black light. Add in the sound of crickets and cicadas chirping in the distance…

DAY 5: Taking on the Role of a Filmmaker

DAY 5: Taking on the Role of a Filmmaker

It’s day 5 living in Ecuador, and it’s our final day in Quito for now. It’s bittersweet that we’re leaving such a cultural and welcoming city, but we’re excited about our future adventures at Ecuador’s magical cloud forest in Mindo….

Day 4: At the Center of it All

Day 4: At the Center of it All

Armed with the spectacular wealth of knowledge from our lesson-packed first three days and a will to complete our video and sketching assignments, we were finally ready to take on the city as our classroom. The sights, sounds, and general…

Day 3: Getting Down to Business

Day 3: Getting Down to Business

Gossip girl here, your one and only source to the scandalous lives of Northeastern’s Elite~ Quito Edition It may seem like it’s all fun and games here in Quito, but El Colectivo found themselves in class for 6 hours this Sunday. Despite…