Day 14, Evening

Following Amy’s earlier post on sound recording, this photo essay blog entry covers the events of Thursday evening.

The last footage shot by our class with APAK is an important recording of the traditional song and dance of the Kichwa people in Guachala. Community members assembled in the early evening to perform. When they finished we all sat down to dinner inside the lovely Balcon 2 Hemispheres restaurant. The soundtrack for the penco documentary was recorded in the dining room, an incredibly lively performance of panpipes, guitars, and centuries old lyrics.

fur pants CU

Edison Quichpe, the artisan behind today’s Miske production, dons the traditional fur chaps before the he and the other Kichwa community members performed their dance.

dancers with cool car

Kichwa men double-check each other’s costumes before assembling for the grand performance.

dancers with dog and sun

A dog runs toward the men beginning their performance, marching out into the square dancing and singing.

amber ana dancer

Amber and Ana congratulate a dancer and discuss filming the performance for APAK.

samia with dancers

Samia Maldonada, Executive Director of APAK, chats with community members following their performance.


Sebastien and Miguel, the chefs behind our beautiful dinner at Balcon 2 Hemispheres, smile for a photo before the meal begins.