IGERT Nanomedicine Seminar Series

IGERT Nanomedicine Seminar Series

Date: 12/02/2011
Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Location: 318 Curry Student Center
Speaker: Dr. Philip Demokritou, Assistant Professor of Aerosol Physics, Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health

Title: Environmental Health and Safety of Engineered Nanomaterials: Challenges and state of the art

Abstract: The rapid expansion of nanotechnology is a powerful scientific and economic force. Currently, Engineered Nanomaterials are integral to an increasing array of products, from sunscreen and cancer drugs to batteries and semiconductors. However, the rapid expansion of this technology raises safety concerns, and calls for a better understanding of how nanomaterials affect biological and environmental systems. Specifically, we need to learn more about the bio-nano interactions at cellular/molecular, organismal and environmental levels. Since nanoparticles often display unexpected biological properties, we need to discover new toxicologic principles to understand their potential risks. This seminar will try to address the important question: How do we balance the potential of nanotechnology with the potential hazards from new and often inadequately characterized materials? An overview of the challenges and where we stand in terms of the environmental health and safety of engineered nanomaterials will be presented. Research case studies will also be presented emphasizing the importance for proper toxicological evaluation of engineered nanomaterials.

Bio: Dr. Demokritou’s research interests are primarily in the areas of aerosol science and technology and particle health effects. He has been one of the co-PIs of the Harvard/US EPA Center for Ambient Particle Health Effects (www.hsph.harvard.edu…) and the Director of the Center of Nanotechnology and Nanotoxicology at the Harvard School of Public Health (www.hsph.harvard.edu/nano). Dr. Demokritou and his team have developed over the years many instruments and patented methods focusing on the physico-chemical and toxicological characterization of aerosols. These novel techniques have been used extensively by human exposure assessors in United States and worldwide and helped to advance the field of particle health effects and the particle impact on human populations. His current research focuses on the environmental health and safety of engineered nanomaterials and the implications and applications of nanotechnology on human populations and the environment. Dr. Demokritou participated in many international Air pollution field studies (US, Chile, Greece, Kuwait, Cyprus) and he has been the co-Director of the Harvard-Cyprus Initiative on the Environment and Public Health in the Mediterranean Region, a major International Academic and Educational platform established to promote international research and collaboration on Environmental Health issues. He is a co-author of two books, book chapters and numerous articles in leading journals in the particle health effect and aerosol engineering fields. He is currently an Asst. Professor in the Department of Environmental Health at Harvard School of Public Health.