The IGERT Nanomedicine PhD Program is now closed. Please consider joining our newly established
Nanomedicine MS program or the Graduate Certificate in Nanomedicine!
IGERT Nanomedicine Science and Technology Program (2005-2016) is an integrated doctoral education program in the emerging field of Nanomedicine, created with support from the National Cancer Institute and the National Science Foundation. The program aims to educate the next generation of scientists and technologists with the requisite skill sets to address scientific and engineering challenges, with the necessary business, ethical and global perspectives that will be needed in the rapidly emerging area of applying nanotechnology to human health.
The program began at Northeastern University in 2005 with an NSF IGERT grant funded through the National Cancer Institute. The success of the program has since then led to an NSF funded IGERT renewal grant for the period 2010-2016 with new partners, Tuskegee University, The University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez and collaborators at hospitals affiliated with Harvard Medical School.
The program combines the interdisciplinary expertise of world-renowned faculty members in 11 departments at 3 Universities, collaborating with researchers at teaching hospitals and industry. Students enrolled in a Ph.D. program in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical/Industrial Engineering, Electrical/Computer Engineering, or Pharmaceutical Sciences (Northeastern University), Materials Science and Engineering or Integrative Biosciences (Tuskegee University), Applied Chemistry or Chemical Engineering (UPRM) may apply to the IGERT interdisciplinary program. The IGERT fellow will graduate with a Ph.D. degree in their core subject with specialization in Nanomedicine Science and Technology.