Graduate Student Spaces

Graduate Student Spaces

Snell Library (at night)

  1. DMC II
  2. Room 421
  3. Room 422


Lounge Spaces in Various Colleges

College of Social Sciences and Humanities (CSSH)

  1. CCJ (330CH)
  2. ECON (310 Lake)
  3. ENG (400A Holmes)
  4. HIST (216 Meserve)
  5. LPP (336 Holmes)
  6. POLS (276 Holmes)
  7. SOC (549 Holmes)
  8. SPPUA (27 Lake)


Law School

  1. 000L1 (Dockser Commons)
  2. Docker Rooms #150, #202 and #214


Bouvé College of Health Sciences (inside Forsyth Building)

  1. Cubicles for Ph.D. students available
  2. GR students can also book conference rooms


College of Arts, Media and Design (CAMD)

  1. Ryder Hall lobby with substantial seating


D’Amore-McKim School of Business (DMSB)

  1. GR student lounge @ 300 Dodge Hall