Graduate Student Spaces
Snell Library (at night)
- Room 421
- Room 422
Lounge Spaces in Various Colleges
College of Social Sciences and Humanities (CSSH)
- CCJ (330CH)
- ECON (310 Lake)
- ENG (400A Holmes)
- HIST (216 Meserve)
- LPP (336 Holmes)
- POLS (276 Holmes)
- SOC (549 Holmes)
- SPPUA (27 Lake)
Law School
- 000L1 (Dockser Commons)
- Docker Rooms #150, #202 and #214
Bouvé College of Health Sciences (inside Forsyth Building)
- Cubicles for Ph.D. students available
- GR students can also book conference rooms
College of Arts, Media and Design (CAMD)
- Ryder Hall lobby with substantial seating
D’Amore-McKim School of Business (DMSB)
- GR student lounge @ 300 Dodge Hall