
Jessica M. Oakes, David G. Mummy, Kamran Poorbahrami, Wei Zha, and Sean Fain. Patient-Specific Computational Simulations of Hyperpolarized 3He MRI Ventilation Defects in Healthy and Asthmatic Subjects. In Revision. 
Kamran Poorbahrami, Jessica M. Oakes.  Inter-Subject Variability of Airflow Distribution and Particle Deposition in Adult Airways.  Clinical Biomechanics.  In Press.
Jessica M. Oakes, Steven C. Roth, Shawn C. Shadden.  Airflow Simulations in Infant, Child, and Adult Pulmonary Conducting Airways.  Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 
Jessica M. Oakes, Shawn C. Shadden, Celine Grandmont, Irene E. Vignon-Clementel.  Aerosol Transport Throughout Respiration in the Pulmonary Airways. 2017. International Journal of Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering.  33: e2847.
Jessica M. Oakes**, Philipp Hofemeier**, Irene E. Vignon-Clementel, Josué Sznitman. Aerosols in Healthy and Emphysematous In Silico  Pulmonary Acinar Rat Models.  Journal of Biomechanics. In Press. **Authors contributed equally.  DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2015.11.026.
Jessica M. Oakes, Alison L. Marsden, Celine Grandmont, Chantal Darquenne, Irene E. Vignon-Clementel.  Distribution of Aerosolized Particles in Healthy and Emphysematous Rat Lungs: Comparison Between Experimental and Numerical Studies.  Journal of Biomechanics.  48: 1147-1157, 2015.  NIH Public Access PDF.  this paper was highlighted on the Journal of Biomechanics webpage.
Chantal Darquenne, Maria G. Borja*, Jessica M. Oakes, Ellen Breen, I. Mark Olfert, Miriam Scadeng, G. Kim Prisk.  Increase in Relative Deposition of Fine Particles in the Rat Lung Periphery in the Absence of Gravity.  Journal of Applied Physiology.  117: 880-886, 2014.
Jessica M. Oakes, Ellen Breen, Miriam Scadeng, Ghislain S. Tchantchou*, Chantal Darquenne.  MRI-Based Measurements of Aerosol Deposition in the Lung of Healthy and Emphysematous Rats. Journal of Applied Physiology.  116: 1561-1568, 2014.
Jessica M. Oakes, Alison L. Marsden, Celine Grandmont, Shawn C. Shadden, Chantal Darquenne, Irene E. Vignon-Clementel.  Airflow and Particle Deposition Simulations in Health and Emphysema: From In Vivo to In Silico Animal Experiments.  Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 42: 899-914, 2014.  HAL PDF
Jessica M. Oakes, Miriam Scadeng, Ellen Breen, G. Kim Prisk, Chantal Darquenne.  Regional Distribution of Aerosol Deposition in Rat Lungs Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 41: 968-978, 2013.  NIH Public Access PDF
Jessica M. Oakes, Miriam Scadeng, Ellen Breen, Alison L. Marsden, Chantal Darquenne.  Rat Airway Morphometry Measured from In Situ MRI-Based Geometric Models. Journal of Applied Physiology. 112: 1921-1931, 2012.
Jessica M. Oakes, Steven Day, Steven J. Weinstein, Risa J. Robinson.  Flow Field Analysis in Expanding Healthy and Emphysematous Alveolar Models Using Particle Image Velocimetry. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 132: 021009-1-9, 2010.  PDF